Monday, December 15, 2014

Another school year begins

I have waited many years to have all of my children in school.  I am really not one of those moms that sits around lamenting an empty house.  I have things to do and places to go and I love my freedom!  We decided to put Julian in a private kindergarten this year because it was the only option if we wanted a full day kindergarten.  It's a little pricey but well worth the money.  He has a great teacher and only 11 students in his class.  Compare that to the public school, 30 students in a classroom and they are done for the day at 10:30 AM...I'm not even out of my pajamas by 10:30 AM:)  It is a private Lutheran school so he gets "Jesus Time" each day and attends chapel every Wednesday so it's a little different but we really like it.

Julian on his first day of school.  He was a little nervous to go into the classroom but really didn't have much trouble saying goodbye.

At the end of his first day I met him at school with a schultute (a German "school cone") which had some fun toys and treats.  Here he is with his teacher, Mrs. Nichols.

Townsend and Emerson walking to school for their first day of 5th grade.  They met up with a few of their friends for the walk to school.  I guess Minecraft is pretty popular with 5th graders:)

Townsend with his teacher Mr. Wear

Emerson with Mrs. Elliott

The boys said they were getting too old for me to show up to school with a schultute so I just had some treats ready for them when they got home.  I am super proud of my smart boys!

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