Sunday, December 23, 2012

Portland 4 T's Hike

Hyrum and I bought a book that talks all about hikes you can take around Portland.  One that we wanted to do with the boys is called the "4 T's hike" which takes you on a "trail" a "tram" a "trolley" and a "train" (which is why they call it 4 T's).  It took us pretty much all afternoon and the boys got weary of hiking in their rain boots but we had a fun tim.

Here we are hiking on the "trail."  The trail is about a 4 mile hike through the forest.  I think we will save this hike for the summer next time because the boys had a hard time hiking so far in their rain boots.

Waiting for the "tram" to take us down into Portland.

The boys on the tram.  I think this was their favorite part of the hike.  The tram goes from one of the highest hills surrounding Portland and floats you over the city down to the river.  It's a fun way to see Portland from the air.

Here we are on the "trolley" but it was really just a street car.  I was hoping it would be more like a Mister Rogers neighborhood kind of trolley:)

Our last "T" for the day was the "train."  Julian loves riding on the train here in Portland:)

All in all it was a fun day and we got to see parts of Portland we hadn't before.  I think it's so great there  are hikes we can do right in the city of Portland.  Hopefully we will do more discovering once all this rain stops...probably in June or July:(

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thanksgiving Happenings

We started off our Thanksgiving fun by participating in a "turkey trot" for the kids.  They had different groups separated by age.  Julian ran with the preschoolers and only had to run around part of the track.  The boys ran with the 3rd graders and had to do two laps around the track.  The winners brought home a free turkey but we didn't come home with the prize this year...maybe next year:)

Julian lining up with the other preschool kids.  He trotted happily along the track and came in second to last for his group but he was happy and that was all that mattered.

Townsend getting ready with the other 3rd graders.  He was super excited.

Emerson takes his serious

Townsend came in 3rd place and Emerson came in 4th place.  Emerson wasn't really as sad as this picture looks like, he was just recovering from a side ache from all the running.  I was so proud of both of these boys!

There was no school the Wednesday before Thanksgiving so I took these boys out to Red Robin for lunch.  The boys really seemed to like going out for lunch, it's a treat they don't get too often.

Our friends from Washington came down for Thanksgiving.  The typical 3 hour car drive took over 5 hours!  They need to do something about the freeway between Seattle and Portland.  
The kids all got along great and we had a fun visit with them.

Maggie was a great helper:)

Kari and Aaron Christensen.  Kari brought the yummiest rolls and a fabulous cheese cake that we topped with chocolate delicious!

The Thanksgiving feast.  It was a delicious meal *(thanks Hyrum)*

And before Kari and Aaron left on Friday we pulled out all my nativities...what a great way to start the Christmas season.