Sunday, July 14, 2013

Porter's Visit

My sister Kristen came to visit and stayed from July 4th to July 7th.  We had a fun time with the neighbors on the 4th of July.  Hyrum had to work on the 5th so Kristen and I had a quiet day at home and then took the kids to see "Monsters University" at the movies.  Saturday we all headed out to Canon Beach together for a fun day at the ocean.  It was windy (as it usually is at the beach in Oregon) but the sun was out and the cousins had a lot of fun playing together.  Kristen left after church on Sunday with 2 of her kids but left Rebecca here with me.  I get to play with Rebecca for a few more days and then she flies home on July 18th.  I'll post more about our fun times with Rebecca in a later post.  I'm so glad Kristen came to say hello.  She lives in Victor, Idaho (about 12 hours away) so it's not super easy for us to get together but I'm super happy she made the effort to come and play for a few days:)

Kristen and I at the beach

The cousins all had fun digging a giant hole in the sand

Kathryn Porter hauling water to put in the giant hole

Julian hanging out in the was pretty deep!

Rebecca looked and looked and was finally rewarded with a whole sand dollar.  Mostly you only find bits and pieces of sand dollars strewn about the beach but she persisted and found a whole one.

The boys spent a lot of time burying Jeremy.  He kept laughing and breaking up the sand so he looks dead in this picture because we told him to stop laughing:)

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