Sunday, September 13, 2020

The DeShetlers came to Oregon

 I'm usually the one heading to Vegas to hang out with Paige but the weather was sooo hot in Vegas she and her family decided to come up to Oregon to visit me!  It was so fun to have them here for 3 weeks.  We don't have a lot of room in this little house of ours for guests but we made it work and I think all the kids liked having some time to visit cousins and hang out a bit.  Zach only stayed for the 1st week and then had to get home and work but Paige and her boys stayed for 3 weeks...I had so much fun!

On the airplane, ready to visit Auntie Chelle:)

I had to give a talk in church the first Sunday they were here.  Our church is just meeting online right now and the twins thought it was so crazy that I was on the tv

Nobody wanted to walk, and nobody wanted to ride in the stroller...only one option.  Auntie Chelle to the rescue:)

Remy had fun pulling out carrots from our garden

Remy's first day of first learning.  Lots of schools are closed due to the pandemic so Remy spent his days online for school.  Paige had to be right in the room with him to help him out so that meant I got to watch the two little guys all day:)

We spent a lot of time at the playground at Patterson.  Julian would come and help me out with the babies.

We went to Cape Lookout on the coast for a few nights of camping.  Who takes two year olds camping?  It was kind of crazy but also lots of fun.

Graham staying warm with mommy at the beach

Cecil having fun times in the sand

Remy and Daddy made a sand castle

We had lots of fun exploring the camp ground

Zach and Remy ready to hit the sand dunes

Hyrum took our twins but Julian decided to stay back at the camp with Paige and I and the babies.

Lots of fun at the beach

Townsend and Julian relaxing on the beach

Graham stuck in the sand!

Hiking around Whalen Island

Mouths full of cookies...who's the best Auntie?

We went to visit the light house at Cape Meares...we had such gorgeous weather!

We tried to take a photo of "twins holding twins" but the babies weren't really that into it:)

And no trip to the coast is complete without a stop at the Tillamook cheese factory for some yummy ice cream!

Hyrum took Paige, Zach and Remy out on the sailboat while I watched the babies.  I think Remy had a great time!

Captain Zach on the boat

The DeShetlers having fun sailing:)

Remy and Zach went for a swim from the fun!

I took the boys to the park to feed the ducks but they were more interested in playing with all the sticks and feathers and acorns that were lying around;)

Popsicles in the backyard on a hot day...sounds like a plan!

They loved playing in this sandbox Hyrum made for our kids years ago.  It was fun to see it get some use again.

At the duck pond again, this time with Remy

Paige and I took the kids to the Portland zoo for the day.  You had to wear a mask while in the zoo and they were limiting the number of people they let into the zoo.  It actually made it nice to walk around and not have such a big crowd.

Julian and his friend Jacob also came to the was a fun activity on a beautiful day.

We went over to Sherri Richards house to say hi to her tortoises...the twins were pretty excited 

They had fun feeding the tortoise some lettuce.  I was super proud of them for being so brave and careful

Bath time...with bubbles!!!

Cecil getting soaking wet playing in the sprinklers at Rood Bridge park.  I was sad they had turned off the little stream they usually have running for kids to play in but then I found these sprinklers and we let the boys get super wet playing in it all worked out

Graham playing with the sprinklers.

We had a great day at Sauvie Island with the boys.  

Julian with Jacob playing frisbee in the water

The big boy twins with their friends jumping from the tower at Sauvie Island

Living their best life at the beach, eating cheetos and cookies!

We took a little hike at Tryon Creek near Portland with Jason Durtschi and Katrina and Ellen Doxey.  It was a fun little walk through the forest.  Plus, Hyrum and Jason carried the babies which meant Paige and I didn't have to:)

Remy had a great time exploring the forest and making this giant banana slug

Hyrum took Cecil up in the trees:)

Having fun on our hike

The babies loved this little pool we set up in our back yard.

Cecil showing off his flexibility at the Patterson playground:)

Hyrum and the twins replaced a section of our backyard fence.  They worked really hard and earned some money helping out their dad.

Graham enjoying the funny faces in the Vernonia Lake abandoned building

Paige and her boys


Crazy group shot!

Remy found a little crawdad friend in the Vernonia river

Hyrum took care of the boys for Paige and I so we could go get breakfast at a French bakery and pedicures without any was heavenly!

We took all the boys to play at Hagg Lake.  The water was super low so the banks were mostly just mud but the babies had fun in the little boat and Remy had lots of fun exploring and swimming.

My boys jumping in the water from the muddy bank

Remy with his "Wizard" stick

Cecil was happy to hang out with Auntie Chelle and eat fig newtons:)

Back at Miss Sherri's house to feed the tortoises 

I took my big boys and Remy for his first time golfing.  He had fun putting the ball into the hole once Emerson got hit it to the putting green

The sky turned super smokey because of the fires in Eastern and Southern Oregon.  We were safe where we lived but the smoke make it pretty sketchy to spend too much time outside.

I miss these two crazies when they aren't with me...they bring me such joy with their giggles and smiles

We made chocolate chip cookies.  These two were the perfect helpers:)


Graham making a big cookie mess all over his fingers...I think they liked the cookies!

They loved playing with the finger paints.  They ended up lots messier than this photo shows and had to go straight into a bath, but it was still lots of fun

Playing around at Camp 18

Uh oh, the duck got Graham:)

Playing on some of the old logging equipment at Camp 18.  You can see how smokey the air was

Little boy...Big tractor

Remy just "hanging around"

Bedtime snuggles with Auntie Chelle after a busy day...the best part of my night:)

It's fun to see Remy playing with all the old toys my kids used to love.  It's really crazy how quick my kids have grown up and how infrequently they ever play with anything other than their computers or iPads.

All too quickly the 3 weeks went by and Paige had to fly back to Vegas, by herself with all 3 boys.  I was able to help her get through the airport to security but they wouldn't let me go through security with her to make sure she got to the gate.  She said it was a real "show" trying to get her 3 kids, plus a stroller, plus 2 car seats, plus here carry on bags through security and to the gate by herself!  I hope all the craziness was worth it for her, I sure loved every minute of the time they spent with us!

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