Monday, December 7, 2015

Halloween Fun

We went out to Lakeview Farms the Wednesday before Halloween.  It's tricky timing the pumpkin patch in Oregon.  If you get it too early it's all mushy by Halloween but if you wait too late you may not get a sunny day to go out to the pumpkin patch.  We lucked out with the weather.  Not really sunny but at least not raining!

Julian and the twins loved playing in the hay maze

Time to pick the pumpkins.  (L-R) Townsend, Emerson and Julian

Those signs that say "keep off" are just a suggestion...right?  I think they had more fun walking on the walls of the hay maze than actually running through the maze!

A beautiful day for pumpkin patching:)

On the boat

Let the carving begin:)

The finished pumpkins.  (L-R) Townsend, Julian and Emerson
I just love how menacing the twins pumpkins are and then Julian's cute little happy pumpkin in the middle...too cute

Julian dressed as Sonic the Hedgehog for our ward trunk or treat night.

The twins with their friends after a night of trunk or treat.  I think they all dumped their candy and had fun trading back and forth.

Townsend with his organized loot:)

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos at the pumpkin patch! And I have to say awww when I see the familiar couch cushions behind Townsend and his loot. :)
