Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Twins are 10

This year the boys wanted to have a birthday party here at the house with a few friends.  I told them they could each invite 3 people because I didn't want 25 kids running around my house.  Their friends came over and they played the wii together for a while and we ate Panda Express (the boys birthday dinner of choice) and then Townsend asked for a chocolate cake and Emerson asked for rice crispy treats.  I think they had a lot of fun with their friends.

I can't believe these boys are 10.  Double digits!  They are definitely boys now, not babies, not little boys but real boys.  They are both doing well learning the piano.  They enjoy their gymnastics class.  They are doing wonderful in school and they constantly amaze me with the grades they get.  I am super proud of them.  They try my patience at times but I feel they are improving.  Emerson is really quick to apologize if he hurts my feelings.  Townsend is very responsible and I feel confident leaving the boys at home alone while I run quick errands.

I love these two boys.  I can't wait to see what they are like as the years go by.  I know they will each do amazing things (if only they can channel that energy into something positive!)

6 dozen donuts?  Well that's how many you need when each of the boys classes have 35 students!

The only photo I got from their birthday party.  Love their smiles!

Pinewood Derby #4 for these guys:)

Emerson's car won first place in all but one race!  He picked the design and the colors all by himself.

Townsend's car would have done a lot better but his front wheels fell off and Daddy couldn't get them fixed properly for the race.  He still did really well!

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