Sunday, February 12, 2023

San Diego with Del and Lori

 My brother Del and his wife Lori recently moved to Arizona.  Since they are relatively close we planned to meet up in San Diego for a fun couples weekend.  I love getting together with family and I'm so happy Del and Lori made time to hang out:)

We flew in on a Friday and the weather was amazing!  Low 70's and sunny...sadly the was the only warm day of the weekend but I soaked up as much sun as I could on Friday.

First tacos!!

We saw tons of cute little squirrels hanging out on the rocks near Coronado beach

A beautiful walk along the beach on Coronado Island

I found gelato!  It's always a good trip if I can get gelato:)

Del and Lori, these two are so fun to hang out with:)

Heading out for a boating adventure on a replica of the ship "America" which is what the America's Cup is originally named for

The captain put the sails up but we motored most of the way.  The sea was pretty choppy and I bet he wasn't sure how much of a crazy ride everyone on the ship would get if he turned off the motor.  Still a very fun morning sailing.  We saw whales and dolphins and sea lions!

Some sea lions enjoying the sunshine

After the sailing trip we went and got some dinner than walked along the San Diego waterfront and saw a beautiful sunset.

Walking over to Del and Lori's hotel to watch Wakanda Forever.  Their hotel was just across the street from was perfect!

At the koi/duck pond in Balboa park

Del did some of his military training in San Diego when he was right out of high school.  The military base is just across the street from Balboa park so we got a chance to see a bit of where he trained.

Del and Lori had to leave early because they were driving all the way home to Arizona.  Hyrum and I didn't have a flight until that evening so we were able to stay for the free Sunday organ concert they hold each week at Balboa park. It was so fun and the organist was talented and a did a great job introducing each piece of music.  What a great, free and fun thing for the city to provide.

I don't get to hang out with my family very often because we are all so spread apart but I do church the times we get to be together, even for a short weekend trip.  I hope we can meet up again soon Del and Lori!

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