Sunday, September 8, 2024

Two Lakes in Two Weekends

We are thinking of selling our tent trailer. Mostly because we use it so rarely and it takes up half of our garage. I had the idea to go for a family camping trip one last time before selling. It was super last minute but we actually found a campsite at Lake Billy Chinook here in Oregon over Labor Day Weekend! We had such a fun time camping but Hyrum also rented a ski boat for the day and we had a lot of fun boating around the lake and exploring. I'm so glad the boys all seemed to have fun together, and I'm glad we got one more family camping trip with our tent trailer.

A crazy way to start our of the tires on the tent trailer blew up! Luckily we safely pulled over on the side of the freeway...unluckily the spare tire for the trailer was completely flat. We drove the spare to a tire shop for them to inflate and finally got back on the road only an hour after the whole thing started. If the tire had blown while we were in the middle of nowhere central Oregon it would have taken so much longer to fix!

After setting up our campsite we enjoyed a nice dip in the cool water. The boys were playin "king of the mountain" on the dock:)

The next day we rented a ski boat. The boys all tried water skiing.  Townsend and Emerson and Hyrum all skied around for a bit. Julian gave it a try but didn't really get going...and I refused to even try:) I had a great time watching.

Hyrum getting ready to ski. The water was a bit chilly when you first jumped in but it wasn't too cold.

Hyrum was happy he could still ski, I think the last time he water skied was at least 20 years ago!

There were bands of wild horses all around the lake. We enjoyed watching these horses while we had our lunch on the boat.

The family swam out to a log that was floating in the water. Townsend tried to balance on the log but it was really slimy and slippery.

Just here for the ride:)

The boys tried to all fit on this tiny little tube...

...but they couldn't make it work:)

They each took turns on the tube one at a time and it worked much better:)

Playing with a rope swing someone had set up over the lake

Our little tent trailer. It has been fun to have it for campouts over the years but it may be time to let another family have some adventures with it! We were so happy we were able to find a site last minute and we could spend the weekend out doors with the family. Each night of our campout we drove about 10 minutes from the campground to a spot where there were few lights and we watched the stars. Both nights we were able to see shooting can't see that if you're sitting at home!

The weekend after Labor Day we were invited to spend at Lake Tanwax up in Washington with our good friends the Christensen's. We usually meet up over Labor Day weekend but they were taking their son, Max, to BYU over Labor Day so we got together the following weekend. None of the Durtschi boys wanted to come and Kari only has 3 kids left at home now that Maggie and Max are at college! It was a very relaxing, wonderful weekend with good friends. We are so lucky they let us come hang out at their beautiful property every year:)

So relaxing with no kids to worry about:)

Out on the boat while Kari pulls the kids around on tubes

Hyrum loves the peaceful stillness of the water first thing in the morning.

Lake Tanwax crew...2024!

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