Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Rachelle in Wyoming and Virginia

My sister, Paige, spent about a month is Wyoming with DeNae and her family. It's great because they have kids the same age and the cousins have a great time playing with each other. Zach and Paige flew out with the boys in June but then Zach left to deploy to Africa for 6 months. That would mean that Paige was going to be on her own to fly home to Virginia by herself with the 4 boys. I offered to come out to Wyoming and help her get her boys back to Virginia. As a bonus for me I got to see some of my sisters and also my parents. It was was a quick trip but I am so glad I was there to help Paige out. Flying with one kid is tough by yourself...four kids would have been miserable! It was also nice to be in Virginia with her for a few days while she got some groceries and organized her house so that she had a bit of help getting ready for the rest of the summer as a single mom. I feel like she got a lot done by herself while I was able to watch the kids for her. 

My parents were so happy with the Family Memory book I made for them. My dad said he would read it every day:)

I helped DeNae out in Primary. She is in charge of singing time for the Primary and she was having the kids sing "The Iron Rod" and we made them hold on to the "rod" while we swung them around:)

Paige, Dad, Mom, DeNae, Tanya, me and Riann. It's so fun that when I visit Wyoming I get to see so much of my family!

T Chelle and Tia swinging Ali on a walk.

My mom sharing stories with some of the grandkids using the picture quilt her kids made for my parents 50th wedding anniversary.

Grandpa and Grandma with some of their many grandchildren

3 monkey cousins in a tree

My cookie maker helpers

The Israelsen and DeShetler cousins (missing Ethan because he is on his mission) It was hard to say goodbye for these cousins. They had been together in Wyoming for almost a month! DeNae is so generous to offer her home so the kids can get together and have fun.

From Gillette Wyoming we drove 6 hours to Denver Colorado. We let the kids get all their wiggles out in the hotel pool for a few hours.

Cafe Rio at the hotel in Denver...yummy!!

At the Denver airport heading to our gate

Silly boys at the Denver airport

On the flight back home to Virginia. The boys all did such  great job...even Alistair!

The boys loved being back home. They each had a special "Daddy Pillow" on their beds that they can snuggle while Dad is deployed.

Graham and Ali at the playground

Cecil the mountain climber

Cecil, Graham and Remy at the space museum in Hampton Virginia

Two mini pilots playing at the museum

It was tough saying goodbye to Paige this time. I know she will be fine and that she can handle being a single mom for 6 months. I just remember how hard it was when Hyrum was deployed and I wish I could be there for her more. She is an amazing mom and I just kept reminding her that life will be SO MUCH better once the kids start school again in a few weeks!!

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