Friday, May 31, 2024

May: Mother's Day, Oma visit, quick trip to Seattle, bike rides and sailing


We went down to Corvallis to visit the twins on Mother's Day weekend. They couldn't come home because they had too much school work to do so we drove down and took them out to dinner to celebrate Mother's Day

Oma came up from Utah for Mother's Day. We hiked out to the Suave Island lighthouse with Katrina and Jason.

Out for our Mother's Day hike

My good friend Sarah Carrington had a conference in Portland one weekend so I got to hang out with her for a bit while she was here.  Took her to food trucks and Salt & places in Portland!

Katrina and I drove Oma up to Seattle to visit her brother, Karl Baumgart

We also spent the day on Camano Island visiting Oma's friends the Gilman's

Of course we had to stop for a bite to eat at Ivar's Fish Bar on the Seattle waterfront.

Hyrum and Julian got the Skinny Dan back in the water for our summer season of sailing.

The boys out for a sail while the girls were in Seattle

The twins met up with us at Silver Falls State Park for a lovely hike around the waterfalls with Oma.

I went for a bike ride with some friends to Vernonia...ended up biking about 17 miles

The cute little owl was just hanging out on this sign. We stopped and watched him for about 15 minutes and he didn't fly away. We were all wondering what he was doing awake in the middle of the day!

I had another basal cell cancer removed. This is #2 basal cell for me...I am very good about wearing a hat whenever I am outside but I think my skin was damaged a lot when I was a kid and we never used sun screen!

After my surgery I went to my favorite Korean restaurant...I felt like I deserved a treat after all I had gone through:)

Our good friends, the Beck family, came to Portland for Memorial Day weekend.  We visited the Portland Rose garden then hiked up to Pittock Mansion for a great view of Portland and the Rivers and Mt. Hood. We met the Becks while we lived in Germany and Lydia, the mom, and I have met up many times over the years for German reunions and get togethers. It was so fun to hang out for a few days!

The great view from Pittock Mansion

Of course we had to take the to Salt & Straw. We also walked along the waterfront, went to VooDoo donuts and Powell's bookstore. It was a great day exploring Portland.

The next day they were heading to the Oregon Coast to spend the week exploring that area, so I made sure we stopped at Camp 18 for a yummy lunch on the way to the coast. I said my goodbyes after lunch and I think they had a lovely time on the coast. It was wonderful to host my friends for a weekend.

On a bike ride through North Plains. We are biking around Scotland in August so we are trying to get a lot of rides in to get our muscles ready:)

Hyrum and Julian taking a break on a bike ride

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