Saturday, May 30, 2020

We Bought a Boat!

With COVID-19 shutting the world down and with nothing to do except sit at home we decided to buy a sailboat.  We thought it would be a fun distraction for us and something new and fun to teach the boys.  We bought a 1975 O'Day 22 for $2000.  We decided to start small and old because we just weren't sure if we would even like sailing or if the kids would think it was fun.  We didn't want to invest too much money into this new hobby.  Hyrum had a little sail boat growing up that he had played around on but I had never really been sailing so everything was new to me.  It has been a lot of fun and Hyrum and I even took a 3 day sailing class together to learn the basics and how to feel confident on a sailboat.  I have to just add here that I got 100 on the final written exam for the sailing class, Hyrum got 99 😆 I just have to rub that in a bit because I was super nervous about taking the class and thought I wouldn't even pass the requirements to get certified.  But, I will admit Hyrum is a better sailer than me.  He is much more confident with handling the boat and tying all the many knots you have to know for all the rigging.  I just think it's fun to be out on the water and have found that it has given our family something to do while the world is mostly shut down.

The nice couple we bought our boat from.  They took us out for a sail before we bought the boat and showed us how it all works.

Townsend and Emerson drove down with Daddy to pick up the sailboat.  It looked so huge behind our little mini van but our van had no trouble hauling it 3 hours home.

Our new boat at our little sailboat dock on Sauvie Island.  The previous owners named the boat "Lil' Shelby" after their granddaughter.  We had a fun time as a family coming up with a new name for our sailboat.

Our newly christened boat, the "Skinny Dan".  A few years ago we were walking around a mall in Salt Lake City that had a water feature running through the center of it with trout swimming around.  For some reason Emerson named one of the trout "Skinny Dan" and it has stuck with us all these years.  We thought that was a perfect name for our new boat.

Julian and Daddy out for a sail

Heading up the Multnomah Channel to get out to the Willamette River for our sail.  It takes about 30 minutes to motor up the channel before we get to the river to sail.  

3 boys on a boat.  They enjoy sailing as long as it's about once every 2 weeks.  They don't like when we want to take them out every few days:)

We like to anchor off the shore of Sauvie Island and the boys can jump in the water and swim around for a bit.

Hyrum's fathers day gift, a Captains Hat:)

It's been fun taking friends out on the boat.  It's not a big boat but we can fit about 5 or 6 people on it. Emerson and his friend Landon chilling on the deck of the boat.

Julian with his friend Jacob

When we bought the sailboat the previous owners had just thrown down some old outdoor furniture mats to use for cushions.  Hyrum measured out the benches and then his sister Katrina sewed these beautiful cushions for us.  It makes the cabin look so clean and cozy.

Hyrum with our sailing instructor, Harold, in one of our sailing classes.

The newest graduates of American Sailboat Association Keelboat sailing course with our great teacher, Harold.

The sailboat has been a lot of fun.  I love just being outside and having something to do with my kids during the summer.  It has been a lot of fun learning to sail with Hyrum and I hope we have many more sailing adventures in our future!

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