We didn't really get to travel much this summer. The boys were kept busy with scout camp, PE camp, swim lessons, basketball camp and taking little weekend trips camping. The one trip we had planned was to Utah and we did this the last 2 weeks of August. We got the chance to stay in Oma's new house which was super fancy. On the first day the boys broke one of her lights, on the second day they kicked her garage door and dented it...I won't go on but needless to say Oma may not invite us to her house next summer:)
I drove by myself with the boys. We stopped at the Bonneville Dam and fish hatchery, about 2 hours from home and got some wiggles out.
Julian saying hello to a fish that was swimming up the fish ladder by the dam
At about the halfway point to Utah we stopped and stayed with the Knorpp's for a few nights. It was great to break up the trip and not have to drive the whole 12 hours in one shot. Julian and Ollie had fun dressing up.
We put the slide into the kiddie pool and the kids spent the afternoon cooling off from the hot Idaho sun
Marly even had a few archery sets that the boys had lots of fun playing with.
Julian loved checking for eggs in the Knorpp's chicken house
We made it to Utah and got to hang out with our Porter cousins for a few hours. Kristen was visiting Orem for her kids orthodontics appointments and it worked out for us to have lunch together and play at the park for a while before they headed back to Idaho.
Mmmm...Hawaiin shave ice. Emerson, Jeremy, Townsend and Joanna.
One of the days we went to the new Provo rec center. They had an amazing indoor pool. The boys loved jumping off this diving platform and going down the many slides.
One day we went to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point. Emerson and Townsend were fascinated by this scientist actually working on dinosaur fossils.
Julian and the dinosaur
I forgot to bring the boys scooters from home so I went out and bought them new scooters. You can see they had lots of fun scooting around Oma's neighborhood.
We always go to BYU and walk around. I like to walk around and see the old places I used to hang out as a student. I also think it's cool for the boys to see where their parents went to school (and met, I guess I should say) The boys are trying to figure out how to climb onto this statue by the Art Museum.
Y mountain. I loved my years at BYU.
You can't go to BYU and not stop at the creamery for an ice-cream treat:)
One day we took the train to Salt Lake. Julian was so happy
I like this picture of Oma on the train
The planetarium with all it's fun science exhibits
Townsend by the "cloud maker"
Townsend walking on the moon
The boys played in the splash fountain at the Gateway mall in SLC
And enjoyed some more shave ice:)
We went to temple square and Julian wanted his picture taken with Jesus
Townsend and Julian at the SLC temple
One morning Hyrum let me sleep in and took all three boys for a hike with Oma. I guess they were super excited:)
Julian on the hike. He walked almost all the way and only had to be carried the last little bit
Emerson by the waterfall they hiked to
The whole group of hikers by the waterfall. There is one thing to say about Utah, it sure has some beautiful scenery and great hikes.
One evening we took a picnic dinner up to Bridal Veil Falls.
Julian hiking around Bridal Veil.
I hadn't been up to Bridal Veil for a few years. They now have a little fish pond by the base of the falls. The twins spent about half an hour trying to hand catch a fish. There was an old guy there who was able to reach in and snatch a fish out and the boys were determined to do it...unfortunately the fish were too fast for them. Maybe next year.
On our last day in Utah we went to the jump zone. Here is Townsend, mid-flip
They love climbing the rock wall and then falling into the foam pit
Julian getting buried by the foam blocks.
I had to add this one last photo. Oma bought a wii gaming system for the boys. Can you believe how spoiled they are? They spent a good part of every day in front of the t.v. playing Mario Cart. Lucky boys!